The mission of The Undies Project Inc. is to provide new underwear to men, women and children in need to improve their lives. We also aim to educate communities about this true, unmet need.
Underwear is the most under-donated, and most needed, item of clothing. No one should be deprived of the simple, daily necessity of clean underwear that many of us take for granted.
Hygiene and physical comfort are only a part of this basic human need. New, clean underwear also provides dignity and self esteem. For many, underwear is a necessity, not a luxury.
The inspiration to fulfill this unmet need came to Lucy Langley in 2014 while volunteering at Neighbor to Neighbor, a local CT non-profit organization providing clothing and food to low income residents. While sorting clothes for distribution she came to the realization that underwear was the most under-donated, yet most needed item of clothing. She had never thought about what it would be like for someone to go without this basic necessity. Imagine being homeless and having no access to laundry for clean underwear, or a family to make the choice between putting a meal on the table or buying new underwear. It is unimaginable isn't it?
Lucy Langley and Laura Delaflor co-founded The Undies Project in 2015 ,with the help of Neighbor to Neighbor, and became a registered 501(c)(3) public charity in its own right in 2016.
The Undies Project donates underwear through its partner organizations who serve those who are homeless, living in shelters or who are on a low income.
We rely on the generosity of local communities, individuals and businesses to donate money and product so that we can fulfill our mission. We also fundraise to purchase underwear at wholesale prices to donate to those less fortunate.